Onboarding automation for HR - Improve your employee onboarding process

Streamlining the onboarding process through automation can significantly improve efficiency and the overall experience for new hires, as well as reducing costs and minimizing manual errors. Here’s how HR departments can leverage technology to transform their onboarding process.

What is onboarding automation?

The term “onboarding automation” refers to the use of technology to manage and systematize the tasks involved in bringing new employees into an organization. Unlike manual onboarding, which is often time-consuming and prone to errors, automated onboarding offers an efficient way to handle administrative tasks, training, and integration.

Automation involves using software and digital tools to automate repetitive tasks, such as sending welcome emails, scheduling meetings, and ensuring new hires complete necessary paperwork. By doing so, HR teams can focus more on strategic activities and less on administrative burdens. Automation also ensures that every new employee receives a consistent onboarding experience, which is crucial for integrating them into the company culture quickly and effectively.

Manual vs. automated onboarding

Manual onboarding processes involve a lot of repetitive tasks, coordination between different departments, and often requires HR or IT personnel to manually enter data into multiple systems, which increases the risk of errors and inconsistencies. Additionally, manual processes can result in delays as HR teams shuffle between various onboarding tasks for multiple new hires simultaneously. These processes can be slow and prone to errors, leading to a frustrating experience for new hires. 

In contrast, automated onboarding uses digital tools to handle tasks such as filling out forms, providing training materials, and scheduling orientation sessions. Ensuring a smoother and more efficient process as it streamlines these tasks into a cohesive process that can be managed through a single platform, reducing errors and speeding up the overall process.

Challenges of manual onboarding

Inefficient onboarding tools & administrative tasks

Manual onboarding tools and tasks are often inefficient and time-consuming. They require a significant amount of HR resources to manage and are prone to errors, which can delay the onboarding process and create a poor first impression for new hires.

HR teams often spend countless hours managing paperwork, coordinating schedules, and following up with new hires to ensure they complete necessary tasks. This time could be better spent on activities that add more strategic value to the organization. Moreover, manual tasks are susceptible to human error, which can result in missing information, compliance issues, and a disjointed onboarding experience. 

Security risks and errors

Without proper support and tools, manual onboarding processes can lead to security risks and errors. Sensitive employee information might be mishandled, and important compliance steps can be overlooked, exposing the organization to legal risks.

For example, sending personal information or storing employee contracts on your computer can lead to non-compliance with GDPR due to potential unauthorized access or loss. Additionally, personal data must not be stored longer than necessary for its intended purpose, so companies need procedures to delete or anonymize the data when it is no longer needed. Automated systems, on the other hand, offer secure platforms for storing and managing employee information, ensuring that data is collected and handled in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. 

Internal teams aren’t always prepared

Manual and unstructured processes can leave internal teams unprepared for new hires. This lack of readiness can result in delays, miscommunication, and a less effective onboarding experience, impacting the new employee's integration and productivity.

Without a standardized process, internal teams might be unclear about their tasks and responsibilities when onboarding new employees. Automated onboarding systems offer clear guidelines and checklists, ensuring that everyone, from HR and IT to the employee’s manager, knows what needs to be done and when. This preparation helps create a more coordinated and welcoming experience for new hires. 

Benefits of onboarding automation

Improved efficiency and productivity

Automating the onboarding process saves time and boosts productivity for HR teams and new employees. Automated workflows ensure that all necessary tasks are completed on time, allowing HR professionals to focus on more strategic activities.

For instance, automated onboarding systems can handle tasks such as sending out pre-boarding emails, assigning training modules, ordering necessary equipment, setting up system accounts, and tracking the completion of required forms. This automation frees up HR personnel to engage in activities that enhance employee engagement and retention. Additionally, new hires can complete onboarding tasks at their own pace, reducing the need for constant follow-up from HR.

Better employee experience

An automated onboarding process improves the experience for new hires by providing a structured and consistent approach. New employees receive all the information and resources they need promptly, helping them feel welcomed and supported from day one.

Automation ensures that new hires receive timely communications and have access to a centralized platform where they can find all necessary information. This consistency helps reduce the anxiety and confusion that often accompanies starting a new job. Furthermore, a positive onboarding experience can set the tone for a new hire's entire tenure with the company, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.

Reduced errors and compliance risks

Onboarding requirements have become more complex, making it more challenging to maintain 100% compliance, and increasing the risk of errors, which in some cases can lead to financial penalties. 

Compliance professionals, who have relied on cumbersome Excel spreadsheets and inefficient internal processes, now demand technology specifically designed for efficient onboarding to perform their roles better and add more value to the business.

Automation minimizes errors by making sure that all steps in the onboarding process are completed correctly and consistently by including built-in compliance checks and reminders. This reduces the likelihood of missing important steps and helps maintain accurate records for auditing purposes. Additionally, automation can help ensure that the organization adheres to industry standards and best practices, further mitigating compliance risks.

Cost savings and faster onboarding

By streamlining administrative tasks, automation reduces the cost associated with manual onboarding processes. It also speeds up the onboarding process, enabling new hires to become productive more quickly.

Automated onboarding can significantly reduce the time it takes to bring a new employee up to speed, which translates to cost savings for the organization. For example, new hires will have access to necessary information and training modules before they start, ensuring they are ready to use them on their first day on the job. Moreover, reducing the administrative burden on HR teams allows them to focus on other critical areas, such as talent management and employee development.

Better data analytics and insights

Onboarding software provides better data analytics, allowing HR teams to track the effectiveness of the onboarding process. This data can be used to make improvements and ensure that the onboarding experience continuously evolves and improves.

By tracking metrics such as completion rates and progress, HR teams can identify areas of the onboarding process that need improvement. These insights can inform decisions about new initiatives, training programs, and process adjustments. Additionally, having access to comprehensive data helps HR demonstrate the value of onboarding initiatives to senior leadership.

How to automate your employee onboarding process

Identify manual processes

Start by identifying all the manual tasks involved in your current onboarding process. This can include filling out forms, scheduling meetings, and providing training materials.

Create a detailed map of your current onboarding workflow, highlighting tasks that are repetitive and time-consuming. Engage with your HR team to gather insights on pain points and inefficiencies. This analysis will help you prioritize which tasks to automate first and ensure that you address the most significant challenges.

Prioritize automation tasks

Determine which tasks will have the most significant impact if automated. Prioritize these tasks based on their importance and the amount of time they currently consume.

Consider factors such as the complexity of the task, the frequency with which it occurs, and its impact on the overall onboarding experience. For example, automating the distribution of onboarding documents, scheduling of orientation sessions or getting access to systems can have an immediate and noticeable impact. Prioritizing these tasks ensures that you see quick wins and build momentum for further automation efforts. 

Collaborate with IT and business technology teams

Work closely with your IT and business technology teams to develop effective automation workflows. Ensure that the tools and systems you choose integrate well with your existing HR infrastructure.

Collaboration with IT is crucial for selecting the right automation tools and ensuring seamless integration with existing systems. IT can provide valuable insights into technical requirements, security considerations, and potential challenges. Additionally, involving business technology teams ensures that the automation solutions align with broader organizational goals and strategies.

Key tools for onboarding automation

HR Information Systems (HRIS)

An HRIS, like AlexisHR, is a software solution that combines a multitude of human resources functions, such as storing employee data, managing payrolls, administering documents, keeping track of attendance or absence, and handling performance evaluations. Essentially, it serves as a central repository for all HR-related information and processes.

Onboarding sets the stage for a new hire's journey, and an HRIS is the perfect tool to make it seamless and stress-free. Imagine having all employee information and documents in one spot – easy to find and manage. Automating tasks like sending welcome emails and scheduling orientations saves time and ensures every new hire has a consistent and positive experience. It also helps companies stay compliant by tracking required documents and policy acknowledgments effortlessly. 

Compared to other tools, such as standalone onboarding software or project management systems, an HRIS offers a comprehensive, all-in-one solution that handles the entire HR lifecycle. This makes the process not just more efficient, but also more cohesive.

Paperwork Automation - E-signing Software and Document Storage 

Digital e-signing and document management software streamline paperwork processes, making it easier to handle employee information securely and efficiently.

These systems can automate the distribution, completion, and storage of onboarding documents. New hires can fill out forms and sign their employment contract electronically, reducing the need for physical paperwork and ensuring that all documents are securely stored in a centralized system. This software also allows for easy retrieval and management of documents, improving compliance and record-keeping.

While there are dedicated systems to these types of workflows, most HRIS come with e-signing and document storage built into their platform, making it easier to track the employee onboarding journey, and ensuring that all required paperwork is efficiently handled.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

LMS can automate training and development for new hires, ensuring they receive the necessary education and resources to succeed in their roles.

LMS platforms allow organizations to create and deliver training modules that new hires can complete at their own pace. These systems can track progress, assess knowledge retention, and provide certifications upon completion. Automating training through LMS ensures that all new hires receive consistent, high-quality education, regardless of their location or schedule.

Virtual Onboarding Platforms

Using virtual platforms for pre-onboarding and orientation activities can enhance the onboarding experience by making it more interactive and engaging, especially in international companies, or in companies where there are multiple new hires being onboarded at the same time. 

Virtual onboarding platforms can include video tutorials, interactive guides, and virtual tours of the workplace. These tools help new hires familiarize themselves with the company culture and their new roles before they start. Virtual platforms also enable remote onboarding, ensuring that all new employees, regardless of their location, receive a consistent and engaging onboarding experience.

Automated workflows

Onboarding is often viewed as a type of workflow, but having workflow functionality in your HRIS can extend automation benefits beyond the initial onboarding phase. Automated workflows streamline every step, ensuring tasks are handled efficiently and consistently.

For instance, an HRIS can automate scheduling 90-day check-in meetings to discuss progress and future objectives, or send reminders for mandatory compliance training or certifications. Triggers and reminders keep new hires and internal teams on track, ensuring all necessary steps are completed on time and in an organized manner. 

By automating these processes post onboarding, employees receive continuous support, enhancing overall productivity and job satisfaction. This ongoing engagement helps maintain productivity and contributes to a more positive and effective workplace environment. 

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

An ATS manages the recruitment process by handling tasks such as posting job openings, screening resumes, and scheduling interviews. It helps streamline and organize the hiring process, making it easier to manage candidate information and communication.

Integrating an ATS with HRIS can streamline the transfer of information when an applicant moves to the preboarding stage. The ATS manages the recruitment process, and once a candidate is hired, their information is automatically transferred to the HRIS for onboarding. This integration eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing errors and saving time. It ensures a seamless transition from candidate to new hire, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of the onboarding process.

Best practices for successful onboarding automation

Set clear goals and KPIs

Define clear goals and KPIs for your onboarding process. This helps measure success and identify areas for improvement. Goals might include reducing time-to-productivity, increasing new hire retention rates, or improving new hire satisfaction scores. KPIs provide a benchmark for tracking progress and demonstrating the impact of onboarding automation to stakeholders.

Develop a detailed employee onboarding plan

Create a comprehensive onboarding plan with timelines and necessary tasks. This ensures that all aspects of the onboarding process are covered and managed efficiently. A detailed plan helps maintain consistency and provides a clear roadmap for HR, internal stakeholders, and new hires, outlining each step from pre-boarding to full integration into the team.

Engage new hires with interactive content

Interactive content is key to engaging new hires from day one. Using videos, quizzes, and interactive modules makes the onboarding process more dynamic and enjoyable. This approach not only helps new employees retain information better but also makes them feel more connected and excited about their new role. Interactive content fosters a more engaging learning experience, setting a positive tone for their journey within the company.

Measure and analyze results

Use data analytics to track and measure the success of your onboarding process. Collect metrics such as completion rates, time-to-productivity, and new hire feedback to identify strengths and areas for improvement. AlexisHR provides insights to help you understand what’s working and where adjustments are needed, ensuring continuous improvement of the onboarding experience. 

Gather and act on new hire feedback

Collect feedback from new hires to continually improve the onboarding process. Use surveys and one-on-one meetings to gather insights about their experience. Act on this feedback to make necessary adjustments, showing new hires that their input is valued and contributing to a better onboarding process for future employees.

Key takeaways and lessons learned

Onboarding automation is a powerful tool for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your onboarding process. By using technology, HR departments can streamline administrative tasks, reduce errors, and better the overall experience for new hires. Implementing best practices and utilizing key tools like HRIS and LMS can lead to significant improvements in productivity and employee satisfaction. As you consider automating your onboarding process, remember to set clear goals, engage new hires, and continuously measure and refine your approach.

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